Today I present to you a list of what I consider the top 5 Animated series on TV today. This is of course my opinion, so feel free to comment and tell me what you think I missed or got wrong. My criteria is simple, the show can't be more than 5 years old and obviously must still be producing new episodes. So without further adieu...
5. The Looney Tunes Show (Cartoon Network)
The Looney Tunes Show asks the all important question of what would happen if you cast Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck in an odd couple-esque sitcom? The answer is HILARITY! Some viewers have stated that this is not your grandparents Looney Tunes, and its true, its not. Bugs is no longer the "Waskily Wabbit" we grew up with. Now, he's a smart down to earth straight-man to his over the top self-centered and crazy roommate Daffy. Daffy has become a sort of PG Eric Cartman, for those familiar with South Park, going to ridiculous extremes to get what he wants. In one episode he convinces Porky to give him his life savings for a surgery to save his life when really he just wants to buy a yacht. Their lives are populated by the characters you grew up with with a few minor changes. For instance, Taz is just as destructive, but now he plays the part of Bugs' semi domesticated dog. The stand-out in the series is Kristin Wiig's take on Lola Bunny. Lola was previously introduced in "Space Jam" and you only kind-of got the sense of her personality. Now she's played as a straight-up crazy Bugs Bunny stalker....and it works! The show is also made up of two short segments interspersed inside the 22 minute main story. Merrie Melodies has your favorite Looney's performing short music videos. To me only about 25% of these are actually good and is definitely the weak spot in the show. Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner also show up in short CG segments. The 3D aspect of these are the only thing separating them from the Chuck Jones classics you grew up with and they make an enjoyable couple minute break from the main story. The series has been picked up for a second season so catch up now while you can. (TV-Y7)
4. Young Justice (Cartoon Network)

Dare I say that The HUB's take on the Transformers mythos(based on the toys from Hasbro of course) is even better than the original Generation 1 series? Yes, I think I dare. In my opinion, Transformers Prime is by far the best Transformers series ever written...yes even better than Beast Wars although the two are very close. The stories are written like any really great sci-fi series should be, progressing the on-going story week by week with great dialogue, great character development, big budget style action, and giant frigging robots!!! Each weeks episode builds onto the last never leaving you feeling bored or confused. Yes, there are the human characters you can expect in any version of Transformers to help give the viewer someone to connect with, but this time they're not annoying, they're actually great characters that help the story progress rather than hinder it. The bots themselves are so well written you actually feel emotion when one is injured or possibly dead..heck you even feel the pain in their tragic back stories and these are ROBOTS THAT TURN INTO CARS!!! The writers of this show could make you care so much about your toaster that you'd hesitate to make toast without shedding a tear...and its all in the name of selling toys. (TV-Y7)
2. Adventure Time (Cartoon Network)

1. Phineas and Ferb (Disney XD/ Disney Channel)